Saturday, July 31, 2010

Walking Across America

I worked with a guy once upon a time who decided that he didn't have the money to drive the 1000 miles home so he'd walk it. This sounds like something that would happen in China. It did actually, in a totally different circumstance, but this guy was walking across the American southwest.

As much as walking makes me happy, I learned my limits one really cold day in Toronto, but that's another story for another time. 6 miles makes me happy. It also makes me slim. Which really makes me happy.

Hats off to anyone who walks that far. You'll meet a lot of really cool people and see a totally different flair of the country. But when I think of people who walk that far, I think of this:

(C) Paramount

Well, at least he invented a cool shirt, a cool slogan, and a successful shrimp company all at the same time.

But no, there's a video on Youtube that makes it look so much cooler. Cause the guy is just dreamy.

Oh, and the stop motion is cool too.

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