Friday, June 11, 2010

A Semi-Quiet Fronday

Have you ever had a day that started out quiet and then kinda wasn't? Around here, even the busy days are pretty quiet, because I think I work for one of America's least visited National Monuments. So not only have I determined I'm not a ridiculously small town girl, I also need to be around people. Not a Starbucks on Wall Street type of people (I would imagine that would be quite crowded) but still a lot of people. Today, this lovely Fronday where the birds are chirping and the sun is shining, started out to be a quiet day.

By the way, I'm calling it Fronday thanks to my sister, Katie. I have Wednesdays and Thursdays off, so Friday is my Monday. For everyone else, its the end of the week, for me, its Monday, hence Fronday. Which sounds a lot more fun than it actually is.

So, the quiet day got off to a meandering start, and after my boss left because no one showed up for either of the tours and she's having emergency dental surgery early next week-- it has something to do with wisdom teeth and a tomato seed-- things got hectic. We had 12 visitors this afternoon. In the course of 3 hours. This is not the crazy part. The crazy part includes the guy from the B&B wanting a tour for 45 people on the 4th of July, same day we have a pilgrimage of 500. Then these bikers came in and requested a tour for 150. Luckily this isn't until the end of August. I'm kinda looking forward to taking 150 bikers on a historical tour.

Then a crazy guy came into the office we share with the fair grounds and started yelling about how Americans in Japan at the same time were subjected to Harry Kerry, so why don't we honor them. Then I found $10. Not really.

Anywhere else, this might be the most boring day in history. But here, here I live for even the tiniest bit of excitement.

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