Friday, June 18, 2010

Strange Radio Ads

Radio ads can either be fantastic, horrible, or some mix in between. There's a great example of this with a community college ad where they repeat the same annoying line over and over and over for about 3 minutes. No idea what the school was, just remember it had something to do with radio broadcasting and I always changed the station.

Driving through Wyoming though (oh Wyoming) there was one I'm not entirely sure if it was a joke or not. For shockaholics anonymous. If you started out with licking 9volts, moved to sticking tweezers in electric outlets (pretty blue sparks!) and now abuse car batteries on a regular basis, give them a call. Then there was a name of some electric company, so either someone has a FANTASTIC sense of humor, heightened by a somber voice, or those ranchers are just REALLY bored. And have possibly been informed of the dangers of sniffing glue.

Then, coming into work this morning, the radio suggested that I buy a day pass on Basin Transportation Service! I don't need a destination, and can ride all day! Bring the kids, sing the wheels on the bus, a great learning opportunity! And annoy all of the other people looking at the farmland using the tour bus, sans tour. But you do get to sit next to bag ladies mumbling under their breath.

Oh radio, what have you become since Amos and Andy?

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